What is on-line public affairs and
community relations?
See on-line
public affairs and community relations in services.
Why do on-line public affairs and community
See on-line
public affairs and community relations in services.
Who should do on-line public affairs and community
Public affairs and community relations
Where should on-line public affairs and community
relations be done?
On-line public affairs and community relations
complement daily activities that public affairs and community relations professionals do
and should be part of routine work.
When should one do on-line public affairs and
community relations?
It depends on the exposure an organization has from
online in its regulatory, legislative and community relations activities. Most have
larger exposure than they realize.
How should one do on-line public affairs and
community relations?
Investigate first what Web and commercial on-line
services are saying that affect your public affairs and community relations activities. If
there is exposure, adapt online as a tool to get your organization's message out. |