This section provides forms and web sites to help you
control the quality of public relations services. Print a copy of the form or save it as a
file. You will want to modify each form for your work, so use them as guidelines.
On-line AuditsTwo forms help you conduct on-line audits. The first helps you collect materials. The second helps you identify the key audiences for your web site and their characteristics that affects how you communicate. PR Processes and BudgetingThese forms help managers maintain quality public relations services and budget accurately for PR services. Thanks to Judy Feniger who provided checklists from which many of these forms were developed.The Copy Approval Form places common copy requirements in one place to maintain accuracy, quality and tracking of client approvals. This form has been tested in use and works well. It is handy with difficult internal/external clients because it specifies business and communications objectives, feedback devices and measurement. The advice to outline material first is a key step in gaining client approval for final copy. Newsgroup/Posting Analysis Form Newsgroup and web postings can tell you a lot and suggest action if you analyze them systematically. This form is designed to help you do that. Interactive Media Planning Guide A extensive listing of media used in interaction with message-receivers.